June 27, 2018
Same Great Pipeline Software: New Names

A Full Suite of Pipeline Software!
You may have noticed our recent brand refresh – a slightly revamped logo and corporate colour scheme. Did you also know that our core software products have a new naming convention and logos?
PIRM, Enercal and Ogmatic have all been renamed to fall under the Cenozon corporate umbrella. Click an individual image below to learn more about each product:
What Does this Mean to You?
You’ll start to see changes in the upcoming months:
- All products will are now on our new corporate website
- Client login pages will be amalgamated on the main website and will have a singular user interface with the new product names
- Product naming/branding will change within the software apps
- Invoicing will reflect the new naming conventions where applicable
What will not change:
- Existing contracts, services or products we offer
- Our great customer service (we’re working on making it even better by growing our team!)
- How our software saves you time and money by harnessing the power of your data to optimize operational effiency
We look forward to continuing to provide innovative products, exceptional customer service and the best information, analytics and intelligence at your fingertips.