
Read all about the latest industry regulations, and how our oil and gas data management software helps you stay one step ahead of compliance and safety. This is where we also share news about software updates, our company and upcoming events near you.


How Cenozon’s FIND App Is Changing The Way Oil And Gas Companies Operate

Out in the field, mobile devices, tablets, and laptops help oil and gas workers quickly and effectively communicate with supervisors and respond to potentially serious incidents. …


Cenozon’s FIND

 Cenozon’s FIND – Field Integration and Navigation Data – provides a complete solution for managing field operations. As a mobile app, operators can bring …


PIRM Integrity Overview

Cenozon’s PIRM provides operators with a comprehensive solution for Pipeline Integrity and Risk Management. With a powerful feature set, PIRM provides customizable risk calculations, GIS …


Cenozon’s User Group 2020

  Cenozon’s May 2020 User Group brings our clients together to discuss the future of our software. If you missed the event, you can tune …


Cenozon’s HydroFlow

With Cenozon’s HydroFlow, you can manage your water-crossings by setting flow and depth thresholds for specific real-time gauges – and see which lines are effected …


Cenozon’s WildFire

In the last 5 years, there were over 11,000 Wildfires across Alberta and British Columbia and 5129 got within 5 kilometers of Oil and Gas …


Cenozon’s Data Enhancement

Even in today’s world of machine learning and predicative analytics, your results are only as good as your data. Cenozon’s PIRM automatically pulls data from …


Cenozon’s Newest Pipeline Data Analyst: Alina Lee

  Meet Alina Lee, Cenozon’s newest pipeline data analyst. She is a graduate of chemical engineering from the University of Calgary, and has worked as …


Meet Glenn Skelton: Cenozon’s Newest Software Developer

    Meet Glenn, Cenozon’s newest developer. He comes from a unique background as a professional classical musician. As a self-described tinkerer, he is a …