
Read all about the latest industry regulations, and how our oil and gas data management software helps you stay one step ahead of compliance and safety. This is where we also share news about software updates, our company and upcoming events near you.


Pipeline Incident Comparison Reporting

We are all trying to do our part to reduce the number of pipeline incidents in the industry. To help our customers gauge where they …


AER Publishes New Pipeline Performance Report

Originally published March 2017 The AER recently released a Pipeline Performance Report including information about pipeline incidents that occurred in 2015 and 2016 on AER-regulated …


Meet the Team

Shane Walsh, Technical Services Coordinator We’d like to introduce you to some of the great people who work behind the scenes at Cenozon. We recently …

Case Studies

Efficient Calibration & Analysis Tool

Cenozon Measurement Manager software ensures greater efficiency, saves time and money for Alberta oil and gas producer A growing oil and gas company with a significant asset portfolio in …

Case Studies

HydroFlow Helped Client Save Money

HydroFlow helps pipeline operators save money by re-prioritizing unnecessary and costly inspections. The Challenges of Water for Oil and Gas Operators Bodies of water present …

Case Studies

Mitigating Risk With Pipeline Integrity Risk Manager

Cenozon’s PIRM software generates risk scores and provides users with a 47% lower incident rate than the industry average. Incident reduction is a critical goal …

Case Studies

Continual Optimization Under Changing Conditions

Continual Optimization in Changing Conditions One of the key issues in pipeline integrity management is effectively adjusting corrosion mitigation measures in response to changes in …