July 17, 2018
Cenozon Inc. Offers Free Access To Wildfire Mapping Application For Oil and Gas Operators

June 14, 2016 (Calgary, AB): Albertans have banned together in support of those who have been affected by the Fort McMurray wildfire, and Pipeline Integrity Management Software Company Cenozon Inc. has joined in on the efforts by offering free access to their web-based Wildfire Mapping application.
If the Fort McMurray wildfires have taught us anything, it is that getting up to date information to the right safety personnel is key to reducing damage to major operations.
After the 2011 Slave Lake fire, Cenozon knew that oil and gas operators needed technology that could help them take preventative measures when wildfires strike. They developed a Wildfire Mapping application that not only monitors nearby wildfires but also notifies users as fires move closer to work sites.
Operators can customize how frequently notifications are sent to their devices and at what distances (50km, 25km, etc.). The information is sent directly to the safety personnel so that wildfire risk can be proactively mitigated.
If a wildfire reaches a pipeline that is still moving product, oil and gas companies run the risk of causing an environmental disaster. With this application, preventative measures can be taken and pipelines can be shut down in ample time before the environment and equipment are damaged.
“Our first priority is always safety, whether it is for the environment, personal, or equipment. We want to make sure that the right information reaches the right people at the right time,” states Rui Wang, Vice President of Cenozon.
To register for free access to the web-based Wildfire Mapping application, please visit www.cenozon.com or contact Rui Wang at rui.wang@cenozon.com.
In addition to provide the free access, 20% of any revenue generated in 2016 from wildfire-related mapping services will be donated to the Red Cross for Fort McMurray wildfire relieve.
About Cenozon Inc.
For nearly two decades, Cenozon has helped energy companies harness the power of information technologies to conduct safe and reliable pipeline operations. We believe that client’s success is our success. What differentiates us from our competitors is the commitment to help our customers to achieve their goals first. We are a technology-driven service company with in-depth experience in the energy industry. We adapt ourselves quickly to challenges that are faced by our customers in their operations and management. For more information, visit www.cenozon.com.