July 17, 2018
Breakfast Seminar – Pipeline Integrity and Risk Management

This event has already occurred.
Breakfast Seminar – Pipeline Integrity and Risk Management
Please join us in celebrating the exciting partnership between Cenozon Inc. and Skystone International.
All Hazards Risk Approach
Presented by Ian Dowsett, VP of Emergency Management, Skystone International
Regulatory Basis for Pipeline Risk Assessment & Translating Risk into Action
Presented by Frank Gareau, VP of Engineering, Skystone International
Wednesday December 10th, 2014
Registration at 7:15am
Breakfast 7:30am to 9:30am
The Petroleum Club (McMurray Room)
319 – 5th Avenue SW
Calgary AB T2P 0L5
Jason Trevis at Jason.Trevis@cenozon.com
For any questions please call 587.229.8424