June 26, 2018
Meet the Team

Shane Walsh,
Technical Services Coordinator
We’d like to introduce you to some of the great people who work behind the scenes at Cenozon. We recently spoke to Shane Walsh, Technical Services Coordinator.
Originally posted March, 2017
Cenozon (CZ): Tell us about your role at Cenozon.
Shane Walsh (SW): I just celebrated my 3-year work anniversary. I am the most senior pipeline data analyst at the company, so I was recently promoted to Technical Services Coordinator. Primarily, I support my coworkers in technical operation of our Pipeline Integrity Risk Management tool by helping them communicate with field operators, entering standardized field data, writing standards manuals, revamping our internal project management structure, and more. I’m also the go-to guy for general office management, such as office supplies, new staff orientation and liaising with building operators.
Cenozon has been really friendly and supportive to onboard me and help me grow and have new challenges. I am now revamping our internal project management structure. I surprised myself by feeling a natural affinity for this role.
CZ: What did you do before you joined Cenozon?
SW: In the 10 years prior to joining Cenozon, I located, marked and mapped underground pipelines in the field for excavation companies. I also became the recruiter and trainer for new hires as I had taught English overseas previously and was teaching fitness classes part time. Even prior to that, I was an automotive and industrial diesel refrigeration mechanic – running a one-man bicycle shop doing sales and repairs.
CZ: Tell us about your life outside of Cenozon.
SW: I emigrated from Ireland and learned to love the Canadian outdoors and also like to stay quite active. I like cycling (I commute to work year-round), kayaking and family skating with my 7 year old son. I’ve taken flying lessons and like to stay connected to new developments in aviation. Of course, my son keeps me quite busy. We’ve learned a lot about child psychology. In fact, when he was an infant, we learned to communicate with him with baby sign language.
Favourite food: Exotically spiced vegetables, bean burritos, fish sushi, bison stew and wild rice and perfectly cooked kale. I like to eat!
Favourite movie: ‘Arrival’ blew me away recently, I like the mind expanding aspects of emotional sci fi movies. The 2001 series, Matrix series and Interstellar are favourites too.
CZ: Which Cenozon value do you most identify with?
SW: Customer Service: I understand our clients are on tight timelines, so it’s a priority for me to mobilize our team to support customer service needs. As a trainer, I can put myself in other people’s shoes and understand what approach best works for them. I like interacting with people and teaching technical tasks.