June 27, 2018
AER Publishes New Pipeline Performance Report

Originally published March 2017
The AER recently released a Pipeline Performance Report including information about pipeline incidents that occurred in 2015 and 2016 on AER-regulated pipelines. Highlights: In 2016, there were 460 pipeline incidents of which 32 were defined as high consequence events. Close to 4,000 m3 none-fresh water and 753 m3 hydrocarbon substances were released through incidents in 2016. Drayton Valley and Edmonton (AER CIC areas) almost accounted for 50% of high-consequence incidents.
Whether it’s being more transparent or identifying opportunities to do better, both industry and the regulator are responsible and accountable to the public. While we’re encouraged the support data shows improvement, as an industry, we can always do better. This is our primary focus at Cenozon.
Two of our longest-standing clients support the data in the AER report – both fall below industry averages for failures/1000km. We are grateful that these companies have chosen us to support their corporate pipeline integrity management programs and we’re very proud to help them make a difference.