May 2, 2018
Efficient Calibration & Analysis Tool

Cenozon Measurement Manager software ensures greater efficiency, saves time and money for Alberta oil and gas producer
A growing oil and gas company with a significant asset portfolio in Alberta and Saskatchewan and a strong focus on financial metrics was seeking a calibration management software that could be commonly deployed over 600 sites. The internal, paper-based system the energy producer had in place was not accessible to all relevant departments and did not provide visibility and traceability of all assets at all times.
Reliability and Accuracy
Metering and calibration are essential in the oil and gas industry to ensure the precise volume of measurements at the sample points in shared wells and plants. The Alberta Energy Regulator sets out compliance and audit requirements that all producers must follow. However, scheduling, validating and distributing gas and liquid analyses is a logistically challenging and time-consuming exercise that has traditionally utilized considerable resources. Reliable metering calibration and analysis assists with legislative requirements, saves time and manpower and prevents costly inaccuracies, which is why this client chose to partner with Cenozon for its sampling and analysis process.
Instant Access to Calibration & Analysis
One of the client’s Instrumentation Engineering Technologists pointed out that “before we started using Measurement Manager a year and a half ago, we didn’t have a common calibration format. The diverse sites in the company manually collected samples and kept track using an internal system of spreadsheets and paper records. If anyone needed the information, we relied on e-mail. Now the calibration and analysis are automatic and instantly accessible by anyone in the company. And we can easily track completion by areas and fields and compare analyses against historical data.”
Saves Time and Manpower
Measurement Manager’s cloud-based software also handles scheduling and flags results with significant variances. One of the plant and battery operators of the client company has found that managing company resources is easier with Cenozon’s scheduling feature. “We’re saving manpower and company resources in a few ways. The scheduler allows us to simply go into Measurement Manager to determine how many calibrations need to happen in that time frame and what the results are. I just have to determine if its trending within our variances and if it is, then I approve it and a record is generated. In addition, we don’t ‘have to spend time pulling
analyses from various records when someone needs them.” Because the subject company didn’t have a previous common calibrating and analysis system, they have found that the software has initiated a standardization of its processes and terminology. According to one of its IE Technologists, “it’s motivated us to become more consistent with our data descriptions. The search function is sophisticated – it allows you to filter
searches based on legal description, person, pending, and many other search terms – but it’s also easy to use and very intuitive.”
Phenomenal Customer Support
Cenozon’s staff are industry experts with decades of experience in oil and gas. This particular client has been very satisfied with the level of in-house support services and training provided to their staff. “The software is easy to learn, but Laurel has been phenomenal in supporting us with any implementation questions that we had,” notes one field operator. As someone who has trained others in his site office on the software, he found it “easy to explain and the trainees picked it up really fast.”
Automatic Reporting
Management of the subject company believe there is another significant way that Measurement Manager could soon save them even more costs and that relates to its automatic reporting function for meters that qualify under the Alberta Energy Regulator’s exemption requirements. “In the past it was not worth the paperwork involved in keeping track, but now it’s another way Measurement Manager can leverage our business by saving costs.